Lake Water Flow
Date Posted: 8/4/2011

This morning Greg P. and I met with Natalie Shaber from SJRWMD regarding the reverse flow of drainage water into the LAW rather than out from the LAW as a protection against flooding.

It was determined there is zero flow of irrigation canal water east and away from the drainage ditch. The height of the water now in the drainage canal is back flowing into the LAW. At the present level of water and zero flow east all drainage water that accumulates into the canal will then find it way into the LAW if not corrected.
Ms. Shuber, Grep P. and I walked the entire length of the drainage canal east from the rear of Plume to Babcock Street. At this point it appeared this was the area where the flow of water is being restricted and corrected.
This issue will be followed up by SJRWMD as the drainage permit is in name of Pulte and must be addressed by either or both Pulte and Waterstone Farms.